I'm in search for someone who ... honestly, makes me laugh. Like crack up, laugh. Like if I pee my pants, thats a good thing.
I work, a lot. But I play, a lot. I can't live without music. Mostly punk, heavier rock, reggae, anything with a groove. I dig going to shows. I also can't live without sports. Especially hockey and football. Sunday mornings from August to January, my butt is on the couch. Usually watching my Lions lose
I moved here to Ca 10 years ago, and I have met the most amazing people who I am honored to have in my life . Totally what I did not expect to experience in California! The only thing I find myself missing is my puzzle piece. My buddy. My homeslice. If you will.
You can't be turned off by tattoos, I have a few
Something else you should know about me, is that I laugh at myself constantly. I am Polish. enough said.
I am starting my 39th year (which NO ONE seems to believe me... and apparently I don't either). I have amazing goals, that I WILL achieve. My current goal is to get back in shape! I love inline skating, especially street hockey! But I also enjoy the calmer side of exercise, like yoga, pilates and hiking.