I advise you to start drinking heavily.
I advise you to start drinking heavily. I like to wake up everyday and hope its a great one. I rarely feel the same way twice. I love to do whatever comes naturally...life's a precious thing that I do not want to waste on bull----, unless of course that is just how Im feeling that day. I love fantasy, which is why I love movies, but I try my hardest to live in reality. I basically do whatever I want. I work really hard (ive got goals) and I love my job...not something a lot of people can say. I love meeting new people and forming new friendships. I love laughing and I definitely need people with a sense of humor in my life. I love family, people who are responsible and have goals. I love music, but its soul purpose for me is to set or carry on a mood. Im not big on concerts, small local shows are cool though. I love a lot of different kinds of music, but prefer an upbeat melody. I love facebook, its a problem, but first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

haha. Sometimes I like cooking and Im damn good at it when I do, Im damn good at a lot of things. Theres a whole lot of stuff to learn about me...it just takes patience
In a guy, I just want something that works and isnt bull----. Im very uprfont and honest, even if it'll hurt. I expect the same in return.