i part time go to cosmotology school, i have a passion for hair.
and i love making people look pretty.
i will also be starting MSJC in the summer for psychology. I have a skitzophrenic brother that i used to take care of everyday so, thats what has made me so interested in psychology
im a tall 5'10..Im a POLACK ha.. i'm half polish, yes i can speak it,and no i do not have an accent.im the most easy going person you'll meet
I don't judge
I'm on here for fun, i get bored easily. No i don't have any problem meeting people in the real world, like i said im on here for fun and friends. I just like to try new things.Iv'e got a huge sence of humor..i think i get from my dad?..
Im super sarcastic, i have an addicitive personality, Very random, outgoing, down to earth. And im a huge effin dork. It gets bad sometimes..especially when im with my best friend..we say and do some of theeee strangest stupidest sh*tsometimes, doesn't make any sence..but it's funny to me. Keeps me happy. I LOVE to laugh..and anyone that can make me laugh i love. I tend to get along with sarcastic, humorous people the most, cause im sarcastic. If your really sensitive..you will not like me, i repeat, you will NOT like me.

Im Charger's& angel's fan!I love spicey food. and tapetio has my heart! If it tasted good, id seriously put it on my ice cream, but there's something in my inner loin's telling me it would be FOUL!My drinks of choice: (i don't drink too..excessively)Jack daniels, Wine, Sailor Jerry's,& Captain Morgan..oh cant forget Audio's!CUSS LIKE A SAILOR, DRINK LIKE A FISH.
well im kinda writing a novel about myself so im gonna stop here
keep it sexy