maggiethecatiii (deleted)
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The civil rights movment in the North would have failed utterly if the PIRA had not existed, and moreso, had not moved the war to mainland England. Thatcher could care less if Irish blew each other up, but when it came to Brit soil, she finally felt inclined. It was the PIRA and the INLA's war on British soil that finally achieved adequate attention. Intel in Republican groups should have figured that out from the start, now THAT would have saved a lot of (Irish) lives and sped up the process... not Mothers for Peace and Kumbayah.
I appreciate your mentioned respect of the PIRA as a fighting force to be reckoned with. I have never spoken to a Brit soldier who did not share that view. You are in the majority on that.
"If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention."